○Topic and Rationale We have decided to do our research project about New Year’s Day. New Year’s Day is a long history, deep even, but recent years the diversity is emerging in how to spend it. So We are interested in how people spend it. ○Methodology We are planning to do our research in third stages. First, we carefully searched for background information about New Year in the Internet. In the second stage we asked Japanese people to the details of where, with who, and how to spend the New Year. There were 20 people to ask Japanese people. In the third stage we were interested in not only Japan but also how to spend time in other countries so we were asked foreigner. We think that I can question many people by using SNS, I used twitter and google form. ○Results 1, about New Year’s Days The first stage of our research on the New Year is to examine the difference between Japan and other countries 'New Year' s Day on the internet. We eat osechi dishes and send Ne...