
○Topic and Rationale
 We have decided to do our research project about New Year’s Day. New Year’s Day is a long history, deep even, but recent years the diversity is emerging in how to spend it. So We are interested in how people spend it.
We are planning to do our research in third stages. First, we carefully searched for background information about New Year in the Internet. In the second stage we asked Japanese people to the details of where, with who, and how to spend the New Year. There were 20 people to ask Japanese people. In the third stage we were interested in not only Japan but also how to spend time in other countries so we were asked foreigner. We think that I can question many people by using SNS, I used twitter and google form.
1, about New Year’s Days
The first stage of our research on the New Year is to examine the difference between Japan and other countries 'New Year' s Day on the internet. We eat osechi dishes and send New Year 's cards every New Year every year. Where did the culture begin?
The New Year 's history has existed since ancient times, since the middle of the sixth century Buddhism was introduced it existed. The old New Year was a custom to appreciate the ancestors and to worship the spirits of their ancestors. However, when Buddhism entered Japan, the New Year greeted the god who is a god who protects the five grains and changed to a moon praying for measures of that year. It is for welcoming this year-old god to decorate monkadomatu and miracle cakes at home in the New Year. 
Here, we will also introduce you to the origins of osechi dishes easily. The origin of this dish is that the dish called "Bodhisattva", which was eaten in the late Heian period, has changed shape to the present age.
2, about other country
Let's touch on not only Japan but also how to spend the New Year in other countries here. First of all, as a culture of Iceland, we will do a bonfire called "Brenna" in Japan and let the fairies get down to the city without hesitation, to burn everything that year, from the Viking era It seems to be based on an old legend. 
Second off all, about America. First, by time deference there is a gap of start of New Year’s Day by the America. Second, in America there are a lot of persons who absent from work. we think that its feature is like New Year’s Day of Japan. Third, there are two customs that in New Year coming moment, fireworks are launched and some persons kiss with a person nearby. For example, in New York and London a big ball drops and fireworks launch. Fourth, there are some persons who make a New Year’s resolution like New Year’s Day of Japan. Fifth, since New Year’s Day, almost American lead a regular life. This means that New Year’s mode continues only one day. In conclusion, New Year’s Day of America and New Year’s Day of Japan are alike but are different delicately. 
Third of all, about Laos. New Year 's Day in Laos is called Pima Rao and it also called a watering festival. People follow water in the streets each other. The New Year will be held from April 14th to 16th. It is the hottest season of the year in Laos. Therefore people will enjoy watering without regard to anyone. This custom also has the meaning of washing away bad events of the previous year. Also, not only people but also Buddhist statues that are rested are taken out and washed.
The second stage of our research, we interviewed directly with alumni and teachers and listen to details that are not available on the net.
First, since SNS cannot make detailed questions, we conducted a questionnaire as a rough index.
How do you spend the New Year’s Day? We asked. we asked respondents to select the most applicable one from the four questions.
(1)  watch TV
(2) go to Hatsumode
(3) go to my relatives' house.
(4) see the first sunrise

(1)   42% (2) 35% (3) 16% (4) 7%
The rate of watching television is the highest. It seems to be seeing the special number of New Year's holidays and New Year's Eve
These are the results of using a google form questionnaire. From the two results it seems that there are so many people who stay with their families at home.
        First pie graph is used for researching “Whom do you spend it with?”. this it means New Year. We will explain about understanding form firsts pie graph. “family” is 80.5%. “friends” is 12.2%. “others” is 7.3%. “others” means “lover”, “be alone”, “friends who know from internet each other” and “job’s persons.
       Second pie graph is used for researching “Where do you spend your New Year’s day?”. We will explain about understanding form second pie graph. “my house” is 48.8%. “relative’s house” is 26.8%. “shrine” is 7.3%. “others” is 17.1%. “others” means “traveling”, “the place that my working”, ”my house or relative’s house” and “parent’s house”. 
The third stage of our research, I interviewed foreigner. We interviewed Koreans. New Year 's Day in Korea is similar to Japan. He told me to go to a greeting to my relatives or go to Hatsumode. People who responded to the interview seems to have lived in Japan for a long time and have eaten rice cakes and osechi as New Year's Day as in Japan.

○Group members
Our group members are Urakawa Chikahiro and Tago Kyohei and Kakizaki Ryota and
Nomura Takumi and Ito Ayane.
